We will be your IT Department

At TechOne Services, we assist you in achieving your goals. We specialize in the best way to realize your thought processes into realtime systems for your businesses and provide quality reports for enhanced analysis across the United Kingdom. We offer Storyboard Products, IT Consulting Services, Enterprise Resourse Planning, and Microsoft Azure Security. We offer well-designed solutions that support the SME Sector and foster sustainable growth for our clients, the entire Spectrum of functionalities for manufacturing, trading, or service sector organizations. Our services are as unique as your projects requirements.

The Future Is in The Cloud – Are You Ready?

Cloud IT services for websites refer to hosting, infrastructure, and related services that are delivered over the internet through cloud computing platforms. Instead of hosting websites on physical servers located on-premises, cloud IT services utilize virtualized resources from a network of servers hosted remotely. These services typically include:

Cloud Services

◎ Azure Cloud Migration means Process of moving your business data, Applications & Email to a cloud computing Environment

◎ Because cloud computing represents a shift from the traditional way of thinking about IT resources, making the transition to the cloud requires careful planning and strategy

◎ It can also include transitioning from one provider’s cloud to another

Microsoft Solutions

◎ We have access to the latest tools and technologies to drive innovation and accelerate digital transformation. From Google to office 365 services

◎ Our partnership enables us to deliver best-in-class solutions that empower businesses to thrive in today's competitive landscape

◎ Microsoft Offer a service level agreement of 99.95% for its customers